

Sangli Mission Society had become a turning point in many lives in the four districts of Maharashtra. It brought tremendous changes to society and to the people around in all spheres of life.

  1.  FORMAL EDUCATIONWell-reputed English Medium School (9) for value-based education. Over 350 dedicated teachers work under SMS for forming a socially upright new generation8000+ Beneficiaries/ years
2.SPECIAL EDUCATIONThe 5 special schools train the differently abled children to have life in fullness252/ year
3.Rehabilitation centresThe 4 Rehabilitation centres and boardings for the differently abled, who were from very poor economic backgrounds.145
4. Empowerment of rural womenEmpowering the rural population through the formation of 500 Self Help Groups availing govt schemes, microfinance, loans for small-scale income generation…7000+
5.Micro FinancePromotion, Monitoring and utilization of various schemes and 4000 insurance policies, 278 micro-loans, and 2000 micro edits.6300+
6.Dilasa HIV/AIDSCare, treatment and support centres for HIV-infected people and children (4). Shelter food, medication, education, vocational training etc. awareness to various groups of society like students, nurses, professionals, vulnerable groups……8000+
7.Child Helpline24-hour help centre that extends help to children in vulnerable situations. Attends cases of Sexual abuse, medical help, shelter, missing, academic problems, child labour Physical torture etc.350+
8.Community-Based RehabilitationCommunity-based rehabilitation programme. (ASTHA). Rehabilitation and prevention of disability, through forming a community-based organization, children’s parliament (13), SHGS `[125), Youth Clubs (10) vocational training for income generation, adolescent groups (10), farmers club (10), village development committee (10), availing government schemes etc.1500+
9.Care for physically disabledCorrective surgeries for the physically disabled were done in association with St John’s Hospital Bangalore. Arranges Medical Camp (2500) distribution of Orthopaedic aids and appliances (112). Awareness programme etc.275
10Organic farmingModel Farms, Formation of Farmers Clubs, Production and promotion of Vermin Compost, Natural Pesticides358
11Autistic centreA centre runs for autistic students in Sangli32
12Disaster managementFlood, drought and Covid-19 relief programmes4000+
13Care for creationAwareness and promotion of Afforestation. Rainwater harvesting, check dams, tube well schemes, Conventional energy274
14Vocational trainingVocational training in Printing Farming Food Processing soft skills etc.350
15Guidance and counsellingFamily, Educational Vocational Counselling and Guidance Center, Aptitude Tests, IQ test etc.3000
16Publishing and printingSuvarta Press, Kolhapur with quality printing 
17Old age homeCare, love, and protection to the aged (1)15
18Multiple DisabilityCenter for the care of those with multiple disabilities.10
19Availing SchemesVarious government schemes are made available to people through most of our centres such as Sanjay Gandhi Niradhar Yojana, Old Age Pension, Indira Awaz Yana Balsangopan, Railway Concessions Disability Certificates etc.2064

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